Cougars and Houston Area Math Program
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Schedule, Lesson Materials, and Photos from Meetings

Lessons, Fall 2016

Lessons for High School Students

Time: Tuesdays 5:30-6:30PM

Location: UH Campus, Room 162 of Fleming Building

September 6: Orientation
Instructor: Dr. Tomforde

September 13: Lesson #1: Cryptography and Code-Breaking
Instructor: Patrick Messina

September 20: Lesson #2: Cancelled due to KIPP afterschool event
Instructor: Dr. Tomforde

September 27: Lesson #3: The Towers of Hanoi
Instructor: Amber Khan

October 4: Lesson #4: The Seven Bridges of Konigsberg
Instructor: Shahzad Kalloo

October 11: Lesson #5: Chicken Nugget Numbers
Instructor: Catherine Godfrey

October 18: Lesson #6: The Hamming Code
Instructor: Wilfredo Molina

October 25: Lesson #7: Euler Vertex Formula
Instructor: Shahzad Kalloo

November 1: Lesson #8: Koch Snowflake
Instructor: Juan López

November 8: Lesson #9: Probability and Counting
Instructor: Jared Turner

November 15: Lesson #10: Wrap-Up and Campus Tour
Instructor: Dr. Tomforde

If you're interested in volunteering as a facilitator for the Tuesday lessons, please visit our Volunteer Page.

Tutoring, Fall 2016

Tutoring for High School Students

Time: Thursdays 5:30-6:30PM

Location: UH Campus, Room 162 of Fleming Building

Dates: September 8 -- November 17

Tutoring for Middle School Students

Time: Tuesdays 8:00-9:00AM and Fridays 3:30-5:00PM

Location: KIPP Liberation Middle School
(a few blocks from UH, carpools for tutors are arranged)

Dates: September 6 -- November 18

If you are interested in volunteering as a high school or middle school tutor, visit our

Volunteer Page

You can sign up for specific days, and you're free to sign up for any number of days as you like.