Cougars and Houston Area Math Program
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Goals of CHAMP


We have three main Outcome Goals for the high school students in CHAMP:
  1. Graduate from High School.
  2. Attend College.
  3. Consider Majoring in a STEM field.


In addition to the three Outcome Goals above, we want the students in CHAMP to develop qualities that will make them more successful in academic pursuits. This includes (1) acquiring Grit, (2) cultivating a Growth Mindset, (3) developing Positive Attitudes Towards Mathematics, and (4) practicing Habits of Mind that aid in critical thinking.

In tutoring students we use best practices, informed by research on education and cognitive science, to make our efforts as effective as possible. The following handout (created by Nicky Case and dedicated to the public domain) is a nice summary of what cognitive science tells us really works when it comes to learning:

How Do We Learn?

Links to References cited in the handout:


In addition to the Outcome Goals and Educational Objectives listed above, there are several other components to CHAMP and additional purposes we hope the program will serve.

Mentoring Students

By having professors, graduate students, and UH undergraduates involved in CHAMP as instructors and facilitators, we provide the high school students a vertically integrated system of mentoring. The high school students interact with successful undergraduates in STEM, who are often just a few years older than they are, as well as with graduate students and professors who can provide more experienced advice, guidance, and instruction.

In addition, we provide a great deal of individual attention to the students. We typically have multiple UH professors, graduate students, and undergraduates at each lesson. In many of our meetings the ratio of high school student to instructors and facilitators is 2:1. We also make efforts to get to know the students personally, and provide a great deal of individual instruction, supervision, and feedback. We view mentoring as a critical aspect of the program, and we encourage the high school students to engage the instructors and facilitators and engage in dialog on all topics.

Serving the Community

Part of the mission of the University of Houston is to "commit to fulfilling regional and state workforce needs while becoming the primary engine of social, economic, and intellectual development" and to "identify and respond to the economic, social, and cultural challenges affecting the quality of life in the city of Houston, the state of Texas, and the world through its education, research, and service". CHAMP seeks to further this mission by partnering with high schools in the area surrounding the University of Houston. By promoting mathematics education, we are responding to one of the most immediate educational needs of our surrounding community.

Involving Underrepresented Groups in Mathematics.

Certain groups are severely underrepresented in mathematics and STEM fields. These include ethnic minorities (e.g., African-Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, certain Asians such as Vietnamese and Filipinos), women, and first-generation college students. We believe these populations provide a valuable untapped resource for mathematics and our nation, and that we would all benefit if more individuals from these groups were to become involved in and contribute to mathematics and mathematically-related fields.